Why most Intervention is harmful ?
NEERAJ MAHAJAN What is intervention ? Interference in any system we either don't fully understand or do or suffer from illusion of understanding. As the complexity in modern societies has increased exponentially, we don't understand most things , yet we intervene?. Why? There is an element of deceit associated with interventionism in modern society. And it is very easy to sell "Look what I did for you " than "look what I avoided for you ".( Taleb in Antifragile). Be it in relationships ( in Giving biased advices), our bodies ( by popping up pills or surgery on doctors advice or self medication at the drop of a hat), our investment portfolios ( in quick churning),our society ( by infighting or non cooperating), our environment ( by littering, emitting CO2), politics in socioeconomic matters ( like exploiting religion for gains or destroying things that are LINDY ) or US attacking small nations ( oil political economy) and so many, inter alia. The damage th...