NEERAJ MAHAJAN This essay is inspired by the genius of Ivan Illich in his epic Deschooling society in its entirety. Everyone should read him. You will find answers to most troubles you or modern societies are confronted with. His critic of institutionalizing Schools and their impact on society is so powerful that I changed the title and focus of my blog after reading it. The title why online Schools are a must changed to Why deschooling is important? What is the Problem with Schools? Schools are a relatively modern phenomenon as is the childhood it produces. The US had its first in 1635 in Boston. In ancient societies such as Indian, the Aristocrats, the upper castes went to Gurukul to study Vedas, Statecraft, the art of war, character building, self-control as far as 500 years B.C. while the poor, lower castes studied at home or didn't school. The education was Free, philanthropic, and objective. It was followed by a n obligatory Gurudakshina (any...