5 Important Life Hacks to Benefit from.

NEERAJ MAHAJAN As a blogger, at times I am stranded sitting in front of my laptop bereft of ideas. Francis Scott Fitzgerald , the American novelist who wrote on Jazz age said, the mark of a sharp mind is to hold two contrasting ideas in your mind and still move on. To me, to write when no idea settles inside your brain seems even more heroic. How does one break this impasse? I guess by just writing in the flow whatever crosses the mind. A few ideas to discuss here viz . PICK YOUR WORDS VERY CAREFULLY Words have power. While we know the story of a tribe in the Soloman Islands in the Pacific and how they kill trees through relentless abuses, there is more to it. Many times, we utter things we do not actually mean at a conscious level. But our potent subconscious mind is always at work and those turn out true. It works in the long term for sure. Ditto for names. In Hinduism, the VEDIC heritage is our most valuable asset and our name is the most prominent marker of iden...