Reviewing 2020 #2 contd.

Hi friends. Here is a continuum of my 2020 learnings. As the pandemic afforded a lot of time to read and learn, there is a lot to share. I am writing in parts viz: RANDOMNESS This is incomplete knowledge, uncertainty. The knowledge in the ancient world doubled in 1500 years and now, the information doubles in 1 year. With this explosion, the randomness has increased exponentially. How do you deal with it? By being convex to it. Hone your edge, take a few bets in life with asymmetric payoffs ie small losses but huge gains if you won. That's exactly what a venture capitalist does by betting on multiple ventures. With vast information asymmetry, you just can't know which horse will win the race. And you have to play your stakes to succeed. The luck factor also becomes all-important and often underrated. And the business of prediction is the worst to be in. Invest in preparedness to profit from uncertainty preferably with open-ended payoffs. The most important events in my life m...